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Post -xml derived view "Insert operation is not allowed". using Postman

I am trying to use POST type request in derived view using POSTMAN.Below is body which i am using <dv_test xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:v1="

Insert Operation


INSERT Operation fails with multiple records and the now() function

I'm performing a simple Insert Operation with multiple records using the now() function. insert into "ViewName" ("Id", "Name", "EmailAddress", "EmailDtm") values ('1', 'joe', '', now()), ('2', 'joe', '', now()) It throws a...

datetime Insert Operation


Denodo Inserts with dynamic values

Is it possible to insert records in denodo base views with the below query insert into base_view1 (col1,col2) select col1,col2 from base_view2; With the current doc I concur we can only insert hard coded values like below insert into base_view1 (col...

Dynamic Insert Operation


Write values to a data base

Hi, can we use Denodo to write (insert records, delete recors, modify) the results of a given query to a data base? (i.e i would like to store the results of a query into a SQL data base) Many thanks,

Insert Operation SQL Server SQL


Denodo , Stored Procedures, & Insert Updates

Have a questions, Why we need store procedures and insert update operations in Data Virtualization tool.

Stored Procedures DENODO Insert Operation


How to insert data into base view

Hi, I am trying to insert data into a base view, but no records are inserted. Please let me know if below statement is correct , If not how do insert data from one view to another view . BaseView_A-->target BaseView_B-->Source Query tried--> insert...

Insert Operation


Error Code : 50025, INSERT operation not allowed

I have created a view by joining a table from MySQL and another table from SQL Server and exposed this as Rest Service. When I tried to insert data to the view, I am facing an error "Insert Operation not allowed".Is it possible to insert data into diff...

Insert Operation