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Postgres ADDDAY translates, but other ADD datetime functions do not

We recently started using a Postgres connection in Denodo. We've noticed that on larger datasets (particularly in joins) that performance is impacted when using the ADDMONTH function. ADDMONTH can't be delegated to the data source since it's not a Post...

datetime PostgreSQL Date time function


INSERT Operation fails with multiple records and the now() function

I'm performing a simple Insert Operation with multiple records using the now() function. insert into "ViewName" ("Id", "Name", "EmailAddress", "EmailDtm") values ('1', 'joe', '', now()), ('2', 'joe', '', now()) It throws a...

datetime Insert Operation


SQL Server date datatypes error in conversion for base views

¡Hello dear Gurus! I'm facing an odd issue for which I found no way to solve it. Source Server DataBase is SQLServer 2016. SQL Server has Collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS Conflicting datatypes: datetime2, smalldatetyme Here's dataty...

Date Conversion datetime Base view Error SQL Server


Base View date field is populating incorrect format

Hello, We have a base view that is populating a date field incorrectly. The date field should be populated under the format of date time with the time being zeros (example Tue Jul 29 00:00:00 EDT 1947) , however for a number of recrods we are seeing Tu...

datetime locale date field