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I am aware that ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE is not supported by denodo currently. Do you have a suggestion as to what I can use instead to retrieve the row count of the result set?
Hi, I wanted to know whether the latest com.denodo.vdb.jdbcdriver.VDBJDBCDriver driver supports type_scroll_insensitive. Thanks in advance Amogha
com.denodo.vdb.jdbcdriver.VDBJDBCDriver does not support type_scroll_insensitive ResultSet . I have application that requires ResultSet to transverse back using resultSet.previous(); . but as com.denodo.vdb.jdbcdriver.VDBJDBCDriver only supports type_...
As com.denodo.vdb.jdbcdriver.VDBJDBCDriver does not support type_scroll_insensitive ResultSet .I wanted to use CachedRowSet property to scroll backwards. I have application that requires ResultSet to transverse back using resultSet.previous(); . but a...