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Hi Denodo Team, I encountered this authentication issue on Windows 11 with Denode Express 8. While the vpd.log gave nothing but vpd-admin.log showed: Connection error:com.denodo.vdb.admin.model.vdbserverproxy.VDBServerProxyException: authentication er...
The Denodo 8 services failed to start on a Windows 2019 machine (startup type = Automatic). When looking at the logs, I found the following message: WARNING|7680/0|22-06-01 12:10:45|startup of java application timed out. if this is due to server over...
How to change default port of Virtual DataPort Server 9999 to other available port? I'm using Denedo Express 64Bit version. Thank You! LakshmiNarayana J.
When trying to start "licensemanager.bat" from Ansible (running on (Red Hat 4.8.5-39)), Ansible (Version 2.9.3) window is not coming back to ansible prompt even after running the bat file on the remote server. python version = 2.7.5 Below please find...
java licensemanager startup Ansible winrm windows virtual data port startup from remote Starting from remote using Ansible
I'm connecting true the ODBC driver form PHP to the denodo database. I'm using pdo and want to make use of binding parameters in de code. e.q.: This works: $denodo = new DenodoDatabase(); $sql = "SELECT * from orders where ordernumber = 20753852 limi...
Hi, is there a specific order or sequence that has to be kept in mind when starting the Denodo services on a Windows environment? Thanks in advance!
I installed Denodo as administrator and have pointed java home to a 1.8 JRE. In 'Denodo Platform Control Center' the 'self-service' and 'diagnostic' servers are able to start. But the 'virtual dataport server' never starts it shows 'stopped' even if cl...
I am following the instructions here, but unable to create a service. Using Denodo Platform 6.0. Execution stops from this place and it reaches exit statement: if exist "%JAVA_BIN%" ( if "%1"=="start" goto :doStart if "%1"=="stop" goto :doStop if "%1"=...
Related to: Denodo Monitor as a Windows service
Just did a fresh install of Denodo and tried to set up a JDBC datasource pointing to SQL Server 2012, and got the following errors: JTDS Sql Server 2012 driver: Unable to create data source: Unable to establish connection: I/O Error: SSO Failed: Nati...
Hi, I've never used Denodo SW before. Does anybody have experience in installing Denodo Express without Windows Admin rights (so just running off a 100% pure Java jre under Windows)? Tom