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SSO Authentication (SAML) - works only on incognito browser window

Hi Team, I am enabling SSO Authentication in Solution Manager, once configuration is done and respective roles created, when I try to login to SM using Web URL in direct browser window it is errors out "Error validating SAML message", but when I try i...



Denodo SSO SAML with Azure AD failed "Error validating SAML message" & "insufficient privileges to connect to the database 'admin'"

I tried setting up Azure SAML SSO in denodo express edition, It gives me below errors. I tried assigning different roles (allusers, admin, User, global_admin) to users but nothing is working. Open ID SSO Configuration is working good. Error validating...



How can I use SSO using Power BI or Python with Denodo

When setting up python scripts, or PowerBI dashboard how do I envoke SSO ? We are using SSO via Oauth on Active Directory. In Power BI : Using Denodo connector Using DSN settings : Server=<our ip>; port=<our port>; database=<our db> ...

#powerBI connection #Denodo-PowerBI oauth2 SSO


SSO for Design Studio vs Solution Manager

Hello, As I understand, implementing SSO via Active Directory is different for Solution Manager and Design Studio : for Solutionn Manager, we need to use an application in Azure AD; for Design STudio, we need to create a LDAP source and to confi...



OpenID SSO requires preferred_username

Hi Team, When configuring Denodo with PING Identity, I am getting the error as "Could not obtain the username using the claim preferred_username". Is it possible to work it without preferred_username claim and instead use "sub" or "firstname" as user...



SSO from Tableau Server to Denodo

It has been stated before and known that Tableau to Denodo SSO works with Tableau Desktop, via Kerberos, but not with Tableau Server. Unfortunately many of our users access Denodo through tableau server (url) and have to sign in a second time to get to...

Tableau SSO


VDP and Google Identity Services

Hi, We are evaluating the Denodo Platform to use it as our main data delivery platform in Belgium. Therefor, I wanted to know if it is possible to use Google Identity Services as our identity provider over Active Directory. Thanks Jurgen PwC Belgium

Kerberos Security SSO


Copying ntlmauth.dll to DENODO_HOME/jre/bin

Hi, I would like to add my experience with Denodo 5.5 in Windows 2012 64 bit. I had to copy ntlmauth.dll to %DENODO_HOME%/jre/bin and restart the server instead of %SYSTEMROOT%/system32. The latter wouldn't work and raised a "SSO Failed: Native SS...

Related to: Accessing MS SQL Server using Windows Authentication

NTLM JDBC Data Sources SQL Server SSO


SSO to Denodo with Kerberos from Tableau Server 10.5

Curious, has anyone successfully tested Single Sign On to Denodo with Kerberos from Tableau Server 10.5.1? Thanks, Tony

Kerberos Tableau denodo with tableau SSO


SSO authentication SAPBW-->DENODO-->TABLEAU

Hi, I would like to know if we have the option of SSO (kerberos or other) to connect from TABLEAU (Reporting) to DENODO and FROM DENODO to SAP BW (SOURCE DB). Thanks, Elias.