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Hi Team, Could you please confirm the below limitation of VQL syntax. Working - INSERT INTO view2 SELECT col1 FROM view1; Working - INSERT INTO view2 (col1) VALUES ("abc"); Not working - INSERT INTO view2 (col1) SELECT col1 FROM view1; Not working - ...

VQL syntax insert


Syntax for a Condition: Last Ten Years

Hello, Here is my current condition: todate('MM/dd/yyyy', ITEM.datefiled) >= todate('MM/dd/yyyy','08/12/2005') I would like to modify this so that it will only bring back the last ten years from whatever date it is currently. Thank you

date itpilot condition field syntax


Find Element by Beginning of ID or Name

Hello, I am trying to find an element which is a textbox by name or id. The last 5 digits of the ID and name change daily.(example below) I was wondering if there is a way to FindElement that starts with, or contains, or islike a certain phrase rat...

Denodo Element By Find FindElementbyXPath syntax ID ITPilot