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Hi Team, Could you please confirm the below limitation of VQL syntax. Working - INSERT INTO view2 SELECT col1 FROM view1; Working - INSERT INTO view2 (col1) VALUES ("abc"); Not working - INSERT INTO view2 (col1) SELECT col1 FROM view1; Not working - ...
Hello, Here is my current condition: todate('MM/dd/yyyy', ITEM.datefiled) >= todate('MM/dd/yyyy','08/12/2005') I would like to modify this so that it will only bring back the last ten years from whatever date it is currently. Thank you
Hello, I am trying to find an element which is a textbox by name or id. The last 5 digits of the ID and name change daily.(example below) I was wondering if there is a way to FindElement that starts with, or contains, or islike a certain phrase rat...