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VCS Management Disabled

Hi, Could you please help me how to enable the "VCS Management" option in Virtual DataPort Server Configuration. currently it showing disabled. Where I can find the diff viewer tool to compare the content of conflicting elements when performing chec...

version control system Administration Tool Version Control


No privilege to create database/users?

Hi, I am trying to create a new database with my user "admin" (default user), and a new user to assign different privileges, but I receive the message "Error accessing the metadata while loading/storing objects" Bear in mind i have a test licence DT...

Administration Tool


Denodo Architecture for Developer and Administrato

Hi, I just downloaded Denodo Express and started importing some sources. I was wondering how I shoould be using Denodo in my Company, for example, is it right to install denodo in a server and then let the developer connect to this server using their...

Access Denodo Express Administration Tool


License file for Denodo Express

I have downloaded and installed Denodo Express, but i'm not able to find the license file. Please help

Administration Tool


Initialization Error: connection error: no such object in table

I am having an issue with logging into my VDP Admin tool. I am seeing the following error displayed at the login screen of the Denodo Virtual DataPort Administration Tool. "Initialization Error: connection error: no such object in table" Checking th...

Login Failure import Administration Tool Connection


When running as admin, receiving "Error storing wrapper: Error accessing the metadata" when attempting to create base view

Hi, I'm currently attempting to create base views in VDP Administration Tool and receiving the following error message: Unable to create base view: error creating 'json' wrapper: Error storing wrapper 'WRAPPER': Error accessing the metadata while lo...

Base view VDP Administration Tool


Getting alert "The VDP Server and the Administration Tool have different updates" whenever I try to login to Denodo Server from the local client

I am using Denodo Virtual DataPort Version 6.0. Whenever I login to Denodo Server from my local machine. I get following alert -"The VDP Server and the Administration Tool have different updates: VDP Server: 6.0.201800216 Administration Tool: " Could ...

VDP alert Administration Tool