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Using setDelegateProjections(true), the instruction said "Custom Wrapper can deal with projected fields." What does it mean? Projected fields (which columns should be displayed in a SQL SELECT statement) can only be specified in a derived view, not in...
Compound type java.sql.Types.ARRAY in custom wrapper schema causes "Error saving base view: null" in saving base view after "Source refresh". (The first time creating base view is always fine. Without changing anything on the source, after refreshing s...
Creating a new base view from a custom data source is always fine. Without changing anything on the data source, after "Edit", "Source Refresh", and then "Validates and Saves the base view", "Error saving base view: null" is raised. What might be wrong?
I limited the allowed operators to “=”, “>=”, and “<=” by overriding the getConfiguration method with CustomWrapperConfiguration configuration = super.getConfiguration(); configuration.setAllowedOperators(new String[] { CustomWrapperCondition.OPE...
Input parameter values are entered when creating a base view from a linked data source. Is there a way to modify the parameters values of an existing base view?
When updating an existing custom connector (replacing the extension with a new one), Denodo 7 requires to remove all existing data sources, base/derived views using the connector. How do I do the updating without redoing all the developed views?
Where is the error log file when creating base view from a data source from a newly uploaded custom connector? Error: Error loading data source ... Denodo 7.0
We have denodo 7 running java version "1.7.0_261" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (amzn- u261-b02) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.261-b02, mixed mode) Tried to compile a sample Custom Wrapper using Java7 (major version 51) and ...
Where is the API doucmentation for denodo-vdp-server.jar and denodo-vdp-parser.jar? For instance, I need the java doc for CustomWrapperFieldExpression.
Hi everyone, I have some issues with data type conversion while using the MongoDB Custom Wrapper. The following example Data illustrates the issue. /* 1 */ { "_id" : ObjectId("5f22f0c2754d8395a9b0acb9"), "Id" : "00Qi000000Jr44XEAR", "Nam...
Type Conversion Custom Connector Data Type Conversion Error Handling mongodb