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Use of setDelegateProjections in CustomWrapperConfiguration

Using setDelegateProjections(true), the instruction said "Custom Wrapper can deal with projected fields." What does it mean? Projected fields (which columns should be displayed in a SQL SELECT statement) can only be specified in a derived view, not in...

Custom Connector custom wrapper


ARRAY type in custom wrapper schema causing issue in editing base view after refreshing source

Compound type java.sql.Types.ARRAY in custom wrapper schema causes "Error saving base view: null" in saving base view after "Source refresh". (The first time creating base view is always fine. Without changing anything on the source, after refreshing s...

Custom Connector custom wrapper


Error saving base view: null

Creating a new base view from a custom data source is always fine. Without changing anything on the data source, after "Edit", "Source Refresh", and then "Validates and Saves the base view", "Error saving base view: null" is raised. What might be wrong?

Custom Connector


Condition controls in the base view of a custom wrapper connector

I limited the allowed operators to “=”, “>=”, and “<=” by overriding the getConfiguration method with CustomWrapperConfiguration configuration = super.getConfiguration(); configuration.setAllowedOperators(new String[] { CustomWrapperCondition.OPE...

Custom Connector custom wrapper


How do I modify input parameters of a created base view?

Input parameter values are entered when creating a base view from a linked data source. Is there a way to modify the parameters values of an existing base view?

Custom Connector


How to update existing custom connector

When updating an existing custom connector (replacing the extension with a new one), Denodo 7 requires to remove all existing data sources, base/derived views using the connector. How do I do the updating without redoing all the developed views?

Custom Connector


Where is the error log file when using custom connector

Where is the error log file when creating base view from a data source from a newly uploaded custom connector? Error: Error loading data source ... Denodo 7.0

Custom Connector


What is the Java version requirement for denodo-vdp-server.jar for Custom Wrapper development

We have denodo 7 running java version "1.7.0_261" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (amzn- u261-b02) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.261-b02, mixed mode) Tried to compile a sample Custom Wrapper using Java7 (major version 51) and ...

Custom Connector


Custom Wrapper API documentation

Where is the API doucmentation for denodo-vdp-server.jar and denodo-vdp-parser.jar? For instance, I need the java doc for CustomWrapperFieldExpression.

Custom Connector


MongoDB Custom Wrapper - Type Conversion (Object, String)

Hi everyone, I have some issues with data type conversion while using the MongoDB Custom Wrapper. The following example Data illustrates the issue. /* 1 */ { "_id" : ObjectId("5f22f0c2754d8395a9b0acb9"), "Id" : "00Qi000000Jr44XEAR", "Nam...

Type Conversion Custom Connector Data Type Conversion Error Handling mongodb