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Two Views Join

Hi Can some help me here below is my Queary , I aneed Denodo API SELECT account_number, suspended FROM i_crd_tpi_portfolio_accounts crd INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT data_date FROM i_source_data_vestmark_csim_crd_direct_accounts WHERE data_date_data_t...

help Joining of Two Rest API DataSources Data


Excellent tutorial. Need help with filters resolvers

Thanks for tutorial. I got great Idea. Can you help me How your Query resolver? You explained filters. But I have JSON data . I need to execute this Query on JSON Data.

Related to: GraphQL in Action - Advanced Query Capabilities

Help Access Denodo Express GraphQL Denodo Query Exceqution Plan


Can we browse the relationships between tables using Power BI by Direct querying Denodo

Let's we have 1 fact and 10 Dimensions in presentation layer of Denodo and now I am trying to query those 11 tables using Power BI. My Question is Can we create relationships between those tables in Denodo itslef instead of conneting to all those view...



How to Save Image without having to navigate to the Images URL

Hello, I am trying to save an image from a page without needing to Navigate to the Image URL. Every time I navigate to the image URL the image changes. When I attempt to scrape the page using the 'Click And' function and then select "Save" to save the...

help extract issue denodo Image error no refresh


Syntax for Last Ten Years Using addyear from XtraFuncs

Hello, Here is my current condition: todate('MM/dd/yyyy', ITEM.datefiled) >= addyear(getday(), -10) I would like to modify this so that it will only bring back the last ten years from whatever date it is currently. Thank you

Extra Functions Help ITP XtraFuncs ITPILOT


How to send a Post back to an iframe without opening

I am attempting to scrape a website with an iframe disclaimer that must click a link and then select Accept on the iframe disclaimer. This worked fine in ie 9 but the frame does not open up on ie 11 when the wrapper is running. I was wondering if th...

itpilot help post back denodo iframe


How to set Value for 'Like' or Not Full Value

I am attempting to set an SetValue(^EncodeSeq(@County_Input)); My issue is that the drop down has the county name and the time it was updated. I need to know how to be able to select the value based on just the first word ignoring the time updated. ...

help set fix Expression function denodo error value