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JSON Data Sources Pagination Field - Help Text is Inconsistent with Validation Rules. -- Is it mandatory or not?

For JSON data sources retrieved via HTTP, the help text for "Parameter in URL for page size" and "Page size" for token continuation pagination indicates that they are "(Optional)", but when omitted, I can't save because a field validation tool tip pops...

design studio issue UI JSON Data Source HTTP


Services getting killed

Hi, Many of Denodo services getting stopped after starting.Checked the log got info as "win service stop - timeout 30000" So even changed the config file as per

scheduler denodo 6.0 issue webtool denodo monitoring and diagnostic tool Denodo server starting trouble.


How to Save Image without having to navigate to the Images URL

Hello, I am trying to save an image from a page without needing to Navigate to the Image URL. Every time I navigate to the image URL the image changes. When I attempt to scrape the page using the 'Click And' function and then select "Save" to save the...

help extract issue denodo Image error no refresh