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queryTimeout parameter not work

Hello guys! i am trying to connect Denodo 6 using jdbc, and the JayDeBeApi python library. But from some reason the server just ignore this parameter, and even when time timeout exceeded, the query is still running. what should i do? Can this feature ...

Denodo 6.0 JDBC Denodo 6.0 global server level timeout setting queryT QUERY_TIMEOUT timeout


JDBC Java 7 download

good morning, we need to use java version 7 of the Denodo jdbc. Where can we download it from? Thank you

Denodo 6.0 JDBC


JDBC connection to R with the Denodo 6 version

In response to the below Answer, Regarding the RJDBC and rJava packages, can you please elaborate more on this. Are these packages to be installed in denodo VDP Server? Thanks Hi, RJDBC and rJAVA packages are only useful when you try to connect to ...

Denodo 6.0 JDBC


Is it possible to connect to R with the Denodo 6 version?

I am trying to establish a connection to R from denodo 6. Would like to know the steps and where to get RJDBC and rJava packages to install? Appreciate your help! Thanks Krishna

Denodo 6.0 JDBC


Denodo jdbc jar usage in Python

Hello.. I'm attempting to create a JDBC connection using the Denodo JDBC jar in Python. I'm using the Python JayDeBeApi module establish the connection, however on connect I'm receiving a certificate chaining error.

Denodo 6.0 JDBC


Can we connect Denodo from SAP HANA SDI using JDBC drivers? If so, can you please provide instructions?

Please help in these two quesitons. They are most critical to prove Denodo as tool which can connect from SAP HANA SDI also.

Denodo 6.0 JDBC


Folders not showing in Spotfire

We are connecting denodo to Spotfire using the JDBC driver. For our Data Source Template we have the XML below. Now, we can see all the objects we have authorize to display (mostly Base Views and Interfaces), however, the folders do not show. This is a...

Denodo 6.0 JDBC spotfire Driver


How to change database schema of Oracle base views

Hi, in our development system (denodo 6.0, latest update) we frequently want to change the database schema of many existing base views belonging to the same Oracle data source. The problem is that the schema name is included in every JDBC wrapper, fo...

Denodo 6.0 JDBC oracle wrapper


JDBC Connection Query "select 1"

We have some webservices setup to hit Hadoop Impala's JDBC connection. We are seeing "select 1" queries every minute for each of the webservices that we have setup. Is there a way to change the frequency of these queries (they are being fired off every...

Denodo 6.0 JDBC


Denodo JDBC Connectivity

We have identifed that Denodo JDBC is based on RMI. Do you have JDBC Drivers for version 6.0 without RMI.

Denodo 6.0 JDBC JDBC