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Not able to connect to Postgresql data source in "Denodo Training Quickstart Virtual Machine"

I am using Denodo Express 8. I am not able to connect to Postgresql data source in "Denodo Training Quickstart Virtual Machine". I did the VM configuration and Denodo Express installation and was not able to connect to any source with below error comi...

Denodo Training QuickStart Virtual Machine


Training Labs - Virtual Machine Setup

Denodo Express - latest version Oracle VM Virtual Box 7.0 - Denodo Training QuickStart Virtual Machine.ova I have everything configured according to the Training Video for setting up the Virtual Machine but when I try to ping my data server - it times ...

Denodo Training QuickStart Virtual Machine


Developer Training. Unable to establish connection to data source

During the Developer Training I am experiencing issue with testing the connection to the data source. I have tried to reinstall all the invironment and used different IP addresses from the Virtual Machine, but it didn't help. Do you have any idea, what...

Denodo Training QuickStart Virtual Machine


Challenges Launching Denodo from the Quickstart DQVM

I downloaded the DQVM. I am at a Linux prompt. The link to the associated manual says I do not have rights to download it. (I submitted a ticket for that issue.) I was able to find a manual for the DQVM for version 5.5. It says that once I log in that ...

Virtualbox Denodo Training QuickStart Virtual Machine


Cannot START "Denodo Training QuickStart Virtual Machine.ova" in Oracle VM VirtualBox

Hi, I followed the steps from "installation and Configuration Guide" (Denodo Training QuickStart Virtual Machine) But in section "Launching DQVM", When I click START green arrow, I got this message: VT-x is not available (VERR_VMX_NO_VMX). Code d'err...

VirtualBox Denodo Training QuickStart Virtual Machine OVA Virtual Machine


Download of Denodo Training 7.0 QuickStart Virtual Machine fails

I have taken up Data Virtualization Developer (Introduction) - On-demand training. As I part of configuration task I am trying to install the virtual machine but I am not able to. Once the zip folder is downloaded from the link provided I try to unzip...

download vm Denodo Training QuickStart Virtual Machine