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Denovo VM on CentOS - How to Call Application?

Just installed last Denovo (22/07/2020) virtual box package and did all the configuration specs even the "hosts" configuration on Windows system32 folder. Don't know how to launch denodo application within centOS black page.



DEN70EDUD02 MySQL server connection issues for DEN70EDUD2002LAB04

I am trying to go through DEN70EDUD2002LAB04 and noticed there are issues with connection to a MYSQL server. I followed the steps of adding the jar file from the MYSQL website (adding both the 5.x and 8.x jar files in the lib-external/jdbc-drivers/mysq...

Denodo_MySQL MYSQL vm


Download of Denodo Training 7.0 QuickStart Virtual Machine fails

I have taken up Data Virtualization Developer (Introduction) - On-demand training. As I part of configuration task I am trying to install the virtual machine but I am not able to. Once the zip folder is downloaded from the link provided I try to unzip...

download vm Denodo Training QuickStart Virtual Machine


Doesn't seems to work on azure

Seems that it doesn't work on azure I can see my server listening to the ports, all is configured well (including ports / firewall) telnet to port 9999 on localhost work well but not from outside to the public ip. tcp6 0 0 :::9997 ...

Related to: Installation steps on a cloud environment

cloud vm azure