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Simba connection error in : uncategorized Column Type

Hi, I am trying to fetch the data from a table on Azure Databricks (ADLS). Tables are delta tables. I am using Simba driver on Denodo and the connection is successful as suggested in denodo documentation. After successful connection. I try to do "Creat...

simba JDBC Azure databricks


How to setup DataSource using simba connector through config

In Denodo, I need to create a datasource which connects Azure DataBricks through Simba connector. I want to make a config file with all details. No manual as its our Dev environment setup I need details on Config file and It requires User/Password. Ho...

simba Dynamic Datasources Azure databricks


How to access Delta Table on Azure BlobStore from Denodo

Hi, I stored my delta tables on Azure Blob Storage. Now I want to access these tables from Denodo. Alternatively, I tried Simba connector to connect Azure DataBricks tables, and that works fine. But that does not show the Blob Store Tables. Ideally Sim...

BLOB simba deltalake Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2


Connect Denodo to Azure-DataBrick with Simba driver

Hi, I am trying to connect Azure Databricks through Simba driver, but getting error due to autherntication or something else. Steps: I downloaded it from website ( and put it in Denodo ( DenodoPlatfor...

simba databrick deltalake