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Creating new field in derived view using conditional logic

Hello. I have created a derived view named 'dv_1' based on a base view named bv_1. I need to create a new column named 'new_col' in the derived view 'db_1' using conditional logic. The values in the new column 'new_col' depend on the values of two a...

VQL simple condition CASE Clause condition #CASE


How to include a subquery in the CASE clause of a field expression

Hi Denodo Team, Is there any function to add subquery in CASE clause of field expression? For example, case when Type like 'something' then 0 else (select a from table1 where table1.a=table2.a) end

CASE Clause


Error in CASE Clause end as {name} in field expression

Dear support team, I have a problem in putting a specific column name in my case clause, below is the line I'm running in the field expression. When i set it to end as priority it shows that "Could't repair and continue parse" but when i set the it as...

CASE Clause