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Hello Team, I'm using Denodo 8 via Web Design Studio. I created the Neo4j datasource via HTTP configuration with post method, also making use of a Json file. I inserted the fields via the following source query: {"statements": [ \{ "statement": "MATCH ...
flatten Array Neo4j JSON FLATTEN Derived views JSON Datasource WEB design Studio
Hi All, I know that a very similar question was asked before, but my problem is not connecting Denodo with Neo4j, I could connect the tools using the corresponding Driver, placing it in the folder "<DENODO_HOME> \ lib \ extensions \ jdbc-drivers...
Hello everyone ... again, I will be quick and objective in explaining my problem. I want to create a Base View from a Neo4j database. I was able to connect the tools with the corresponding driver, placing it in the folder "<INICIO_DENODO> \ lib ...