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Denodo Testing tool: Unable to execute multiple test cases at once

Hi, I have created a Pipleline with Denodo VCS by integrating it with Azure Devops. In which I am unable to run multiple test cases through Denodo Testing tool it just allows me to run one test at a time. Now my two questions are Based on this s...

Denodo Testing Tool


Denodo testing tool Error: Test raised an unexpected com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool$PoolInitializationException: Failed to initialize pool: authentication error: The username or password is incorrect

Hi Team, I am trying run some scripts from Denodo testing tool. I have added my username and password that i use to login to Denodo VDP in the configuration. properties file. but it gives me the following error. -(...tool-8.0-20230425\test_dtt.denodo...

Denodo Testing Tool


Denodo Testing Tool - Email Configuration

Hello, My Test case is fine and I able to see the HTML Report, but I am facing an issue while sending an email from Denodo Testing Tool Below is my configuration reporter.html=com.denodo.connect.testing.reporter.HTMLTestReporter reporter.html.pathToO...

Denodo Testing Tool Denodo Testing Tool - Email Configuration


Denodo Testing Tool Declaring Global Variables

Hello, We are exploring Denodo Testing Tool. Not sure how to declare Global Variables on file. Based on the example provided in Testing Tool Documentation , I understand while consuming global variables it should as below ${pw...

Denodo Testing Tool Declaring Global Variables


Denodo Testing Tool - error - Cannot trust the server to establish a SSL connection

While executing this: sh /opt/denodo/platform/tools/denodo-testing-tool-8.0-20230425/bin/ file:/opt/denodo/platform/tools/denodo-testing-tool-8.0-20230425/samples/resort360/conf/ file:/opt/denodo/platform/tools/den...

Denodo Testing Tool


Verify return results: i.e. Estimated row count. Check if base views return results (with limit clause)

In the presentation I find at some point "Verify return results: i.e. Estimated row count. Check if base views return results (with limit clause)." As far as I can understand, the Denodo Testing Tool can perform exact match, or subset/superset match b...

Related to: Testing in Denodo

Denodo Testing Tool


How to verify '%Trace' in the DENODOTEST file

I have been reading through the documentation of Trace directive in Denodo Testing Tool. I need to access the 'staticO' element in my trace file. When I am accessing the 'staticO' element in the .DENDOTEST file by using the following code 'PLAN ABC.PLA...

Automation Denodo Testing Tool DENODO #automation_testing


Where to pass the body of an API in DENODOTEST file

I want my body to be like that: grant_type, client_id, client_secret Below is a test case I'm trying to run

Denodo TEsting Tool #automation_testing


Denodo in Automated Release cycle

We are evaluating Denodo for one of our prestigous client. There are few queries which we have, if you can let me know the response. Wrt Testing, we want to compare Denodo Testing Tool vs SoapUI / Postman. Can you let us know the pros and cons of ...

Denodo Denodo Testing Tool Denodo Testing Tool REST Webservice


Need details for denodo testing tool jar

Couls you please provide the below details for denodo-testing-tool-7.0-20200923.jar groupId = ? artifactId = ? version = ? type = jar

Denodo Testing Tool DENODO