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Read timed out when configuring HTTPS proxy in denodo data source

Hello, I am trying to configure HTTPS proxy with authorization for the Denodo data sources in the Server Configuration panel

proxy Denodo vdp jdbc driver DataSource


git clone issue

Hi All, We have our denodo platform node behind a proxy server and have configured the proxy in both denodo and git. We can only use the HTTPS and no SSH. I am getting an error in vdp server log- 552108 [DNI(7)-XXX.XXX.XX.XX-4] ERROR 2022-10-19T09:36...

proxy vqlserver jgit gitlab https


Aracne crawler proxy configuration

Hello, I am curious to know more about the proxy configuration settings of the Aracne crawler. I can see some information there on the Aracne administration guide, but it doesn't talk much about the need of it. I understand the use of proxy settings i...

proxy crawler Aracne