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Download data from API link directly

I have launched API link with required data. how to download the data from API into csv/excel file

#Post #webservice #Json #API #Insert API


Api Post with session user

I would like to find out if we have Api to post and put , do you know a way how we can pass the session user and time to the table to capture who created and when For example if we have table Id Name Updatedby UpdatedDate If I post a record with the...

#Post #webservice #Json #API #Insert API users


JSON data source for POST operation

Hi, My Intention : To create an Denodo REST service with POST method for inserting data to Oracle through denodo service. I've already created Denodo derived view (Updateable) and exposed REST API which has only 3 attributes INSRD_NM, INSR_NM_MOD, S...

Related to: Error creating JSON data source with "Post Body" parameters

#Post #webservice #Json #API #Insert