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I have imported a custom function created on one of the sources. I have the following questions. After importing, I see it as a stored procedure in denodo. Is this a default behaviour? Why are functions identified as stored procedures in denodo? ...
Hi team, I am trying to use java based custom function by creating extension in Eclipse. It is giving error when I am deploying the custom function to VDP server - "Creation of extension is not allowed by the license." I am currently using Denodod Ex...
I used denodo VDP version 8.0 i build custom function successfully. however, when there is a error proccess in function, it always return null value. how to handling the error/exception to direct stop the query process? i don't want when it happen q...
Hi, Our organisation is currently using Denodo 7 and we have created a couple of Custom Functions which are used across different databases and projects. We are using a dev environment with Eclipse Oxygen and Java 1.8 and export the Custom Functions ...
I need test some custom function and did compile the sample function to jar. However, when I try to add it to Denodo. I don't see extension tab on extension management. I only see "Libraries" tab. File -> Extension Management -> (Only Libraries ...
I am trying to create a base view on a Oracle function that returns data type - TABLE Trying this from the normal flow gives error : "Unsupported type TABLE for Database : Oracle Stored Procedure" How can i create this using a "Create Base View from VQ...
Hello, When we started developing custom functions in Denodo, we had stored them all in a single package. However, we have now reached about 200 custom functions and in order to simplify maintenance, we would like to split that package in 3 (Date func...
I have denodo platform 8.0 running on EC2 installed using cloudformation template as per the installation guide by Denodo. I am trying to create a custom stored proc which has to read a license file (locally saved inside /opt/denodo/denodo-platform8.0/...
Logging Custom stored procedure ERROR_HANDLING Custom Functions License File Denodo Jar
Hi Team, I developed a custom function when I am using it I wm getting error com.denodo.vdb.admin.model.vdbserverproxy.VDBServerProxyException: error computing capabilities: Function 'psi_hashicorp_decrypt' is not executable. Can you please let me kno...
Thank you for the answering my previous question on custom funtion for the error com.denodo.vdb.admin.model.vdbserverproxy.VDBServerProxyException: error computing capabilities: Function ‘psi_hashicorp_decrypt’ is not executable. I didn’t find any synt...