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Hi Denodo Community , Please , I need your help , How can get database URL in denodo , using VQL or any other solution Thank you a lot .
Hello all , Please i need the command to get all database URL on the server Thanks
Dear all, i need to parse the url and get the last part of the string. for example : or i need to read the part "manage" i was earlier ...
We are having an issue with connecting to a SharePoint list via OData2. The list is using Append Changes for some of the columns so there are version of each list item. We cannot see the various versions ONLY the most current one. https://mycompany.s...
I have created a "Selection" Derived View. I would like to add a field in the Derived View for "URL" in the final output for Tableau reports like "https://DevTableauServerName/DevReportname". So, I added like this, Output Tab -> New Field -> Fi...
Hi! I am trying to start a wrapper navigation with a dynamic url and I can't find how to insert the parameters into the inial url. My idea is something like this: http://myurl?param1=@param1&param2=@param2 and setting param1 and param2 dynamically....
Hello, I am running into an issue when using the LIKE operator on my webservice. In order to make the like more effective, I have added a percent sign before and after the text I want to search on. This way I can bring back results that have my text a...
As a typical Denodo hosted web service is represented by <http/https>://<server_name>:<port>/server/<vdbname>/views/<viewname> Can we make change to the URL such that instead of "server" we have "denodo", as follows &l...
After deploying a REST web service, we can use the lnk in the table at the Web Service COntainer page to get data from the view. But, the response to these REST calls are complete HTML pages. Is there a way to just get the data, instead of the entire ...