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conversion of SQL function to Denodo

UPDATE: I got something to work with REGEXP. I couldn't figure out how to delete my question. No longer need help. I'm using this statement in Oracle SQL: case when instr(reverse(tx.tx_comment), ';', 1) <> 0 then reverse(trim(substr(reverse(tx...

INSTR substring


Find occurrence of a character in a string

I have similar data as below in a field. asgbf-4567-7836-001 asgbf-4568-238965-0471 uhsnfhed-248-76398-46921-89432 AA-001-567-8934-98345-200 The requirement is to find out the occurrence of '-' in the data and extract the particular substring of data....

Reg EXP INSTR substring


how to parse out substring from a file-based data source

I have a data source that is based on a csv file. This file has a text column that can be pretty long and containg values that are structured as (AC12345) RANDOM TEXT Of VARYING LENGTH. The length of the string betwen the poarentheses are also varying,...

split file-based substring


Read URL from reverse

Dear all, i need to parse the url and get the last part of the string. for example : or i need to read the part "manage" i was earlier ...

REGEXP_LIKE Regex URL substring string conversion


Substring Error

version is a column in a table called bv_table values for version looks like Dec[10+2], Jan[1+11]. I am trying to extract the number 10, 1 from the string, any number before +, I am running the below query in the vql shell select SUBSTRING(version, ...

instr function substring


Extracting string between two identical charecters

Hi Team, I have a field which have sample data like /abc/data/source/AYZ/SrcFile/XYZ_ABC_1023456789^900061767ABC00100002^ABC_2019-10-15_00.00.51.62 I want to extract two id's 1023456789 and 900061767ABC00100002 ( which is between two chars '^' ) fro...



How to use substr / substring function to fetch last n characters of a string

In most databases we are able to fetch last n charaters using substr function in the following manner.... select substr('abcdefghij',-3) from dual; This returns the string 'hij' i.e the last three characters. How would I be able to do the same using De...
