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Need information on enabling JWT for authentication of Rest/OData Webservices on VDP

We're planning to implement OAuth/JWT based authentication for Rest and Odata webservices exposed by the Denodo VDP.We've gone through through the documentation that provides details around this:

ODATA webservices oauth


Authentication Issue Related to Ingesting Primavera (P6) SOAP WSDL url as a Web Service in Denodo

Goal: Add Primavera (P6) SOAP WSDL url as a web service in Denodo and query the data. Was able to connect to the wsdl served by primavera using the url as the data source for the web service. It might not be relevant but corporate proxy configurations...

webservices @primavera @wsdl


How do we query the catalog to find which view a webservice depends on.

What is the best way to query denodo to return the view on which a webservice or soap service is based on?

webservices Metadata Catalog