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Training Expired!

Hello. My training is expired. I need to terminate my courses. How can I retreive my acces? Tx.

Related to: Essentials



Training Expired

Hello. My training is expired. I need to terminate my courses. How can I retreive my acces? Tx.

Related to: Essentials



Denodo On Demand Training

Hi Denodo Team, I have registered & purchased Denodo on demand Training few years back, I need to revisit my study material for learning purpose. But now i am unable to access the training material? Can you please check why it is happening? my us...

Training Access


Error at downloading zip file training on demand: DEN70EDUD01 Data Virtualization Developer (Introduction) - On-demand

Error display "OOPS! Please try again. If this issue persists, please notify us with the steps taken to recreate the issue." when I try to download folder at course DEN70EDUD01 Data Virtualization Developer (Introduction) - On-de...

Training DENODO


Cannot Connect to training Oracle database

I am following along the developer basic traing. But got stuck while connecting to oracle data-server. The error i'm getting is: Unable to establish connection: IOError: The network adapter could not establish connection. The database URI: ...

JDBC Data Sources training Oracle 11g


Technical Training material usage

Hello Denodo team, i went through on demand trainings,found it very helpful & informative. Now i want to use Denodo training study material for my team members & want to train them as well. just want to check if that's ok to use the same study...



Training DEN60EDU0118LAB01

In this lab, I don't know how to " Project the input parameter parameters.categoryname to convert it in a simple field, and rename it as input." It's the second sentence in the Excercise instructions below. Can someone provide detailed instrucitons? ...



DEN60EDU0118VID01 - Combination. Foundation

In this training video, the guy shows view parameters and I believe the lab requires a view parameter as well. And in my Administration Tool, the pencil next to 'View parameters' is not highlighted and when I hover over the pencil a message pops up......



Training DEN60EDU0104LAB03 - Create bv_wo_distance_from_storage base view

I'm trying to do this lab, I'm trying to creat from a query, I'm using Denodo supplied code and I get this error: (See below past the code) CODE\Tip: SQL query: select LATITUDE as lat_storage, LONGITUDE as lon_storage, ID as storage_id, (NVL(6387.7,0)...



DEN70EDUD1201LAB01 - Create a JSON data source and base views

Hi Team, I am currently learning to import the JSON data source and i facing below issues. Please help on this. OS: Linuxmint Using virtual machine: My virtual machine is running and when i try to ping the ip address of virtual machine it is succ...
