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Hello guys! i am trying to connect Denodo 6 using jdbc, and the JayDeBeApi python library. But from some reason the server just ignore this parameter, and even when time timeout exceeded, the query is still running. what should i do? Can this feature ...
Denodo 6.0 JDBC Denodo 6.0 global server level timeout setting queryT QUERY_TIMEOUT timeout
An error occurred while communicating with Denodo Unable to connect to the server. Check that the server is running and that you have access privileges to the requested database. Error Code:06DA155A timeout expired Unable to connect to the Denodo serve...
Hi Team, How can i configure the VDP configuration in sigle command cetralized location like setting query limit in all vdp in sigle query or command without login every vdp admin tool to do the changes. Thanks
Hi Team, When creating Remote Table from Design Studio for a fairly large data set, the query times out and thus the creation of remote table. Is there a way to run it in backgroud? Atleast the population of data in background? After increasing the q...
How can I solve the QUERY_TIMEOUT after 900 seconds. My connection is: Driver class: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver Database URI: jdbc:oracle:thin:@ As explained in Developer guide, I tried: jdbc:oracle:thin:@
we recently went though an upgrade from Denodo 6 to Denodo 7. We followed the migration guide provided by Denodo. All seemed to have worked. Data was flowing and users logging in. However, some users started placing queries that worked just fine in den...
Denodo Server times out when I try to access the base view that takes more than 15 minutes to execute. Since query timeouts are a client side concept only, I have already altered below settings on BOTH the clients: Admin Tool Preference -> Connect...
Denodo Server still times out when I try to access the base view that takes more than 15 minutes to execute. I have already changed Admin Tool Preference -> Connection -> Query timeout(milliseconds) to ZERO. Admin -> Server Configuration -&g...
I have set the Query Timeout value to Zero (which means no timeout limit). I ran the Gather Statistics for my Base View and the Timeout occurred after 900 seconds (15 minutes). Is the maximum statistics time allowed by Denodo = 15 minutes (900 secon...
we have to use denodo connect the oracle db to retrieve some data. but recently, we find the connection often occur timeout. we checked the interaction between 2 servers and it's ok. sometimes, i open a admin tool to run some sql demo in the denodo ser...