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Hi Support Is it possible to subtract two timestamps in Denodo to get the Day/Hour/Minute/Second difference between the two fields? I don't see a function for it and was having troubles breaking it out with 'get' commands. Thanks!
I have created a "view parameter" named "starttime" of type timestamp.When I go to the execution panel I try to enter the starttime. I can't figure out the format I would think it accept me putting in 2023-08-07 00:00:00 -- however it says it is an inv...
one of field is havinf timstamp in another format but the requirement to convert it into utc format. we cant change view setting is there any way where we can change timestamp format to utc.
i have two field one for years and the other for month i want to combine the to one field of type timpstamp i used the function to_timestamp but it did not work
when i execute this query: select current_timestamp result is: 2022-09-15 19:42:17.255-07:00 and my local time is : 2022-09-16 09:42:17.255-07:00 it has a difference of 14 hours it can be tricked with using the addhour function how it can be automatic...
Hi there, I am trying to use the python library dask to work on a large dataframe. Dask requires an index column to chunk or batch the data being pulled into memory and it's best practice to use an int or timestamp type field to split the data. When ...
I have a field called date that is coming in as text as the following format and I am having trouble converting it to a valid time stamp: 9 - Sep - 2019 19:35 Can anyone help with the formatting of the function?
Hello. I am trying to convert a text to timestamp: My text has this format dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss I am using this function to_timestamp('dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss', bv_ho_orders.date_placed) When I convert to timestamp some of the dates are null. ...
I have a timestamp field in the following 18 digit format from our LDAP 132332110839739771 Is there any easy way to convert this to a standard date format? based on converter online this is the value: Epoch/Unix time: 1588737483 GMT: Wednesday, Ma...
Hello, I know that I can get the current timestamp using the currenttimestamp function. I wanted to know what is the right way to subtract 24 hours from the timestamp returned from that function, in order to find the timestamp of exactly 24 hours befo...
local timestamp Date time function WHERE CONDITIONS timestamp