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Unable to launch Denodo Community Lab environment

Im following the Denodo QuickStart Virtual Machine Installation and Configuration user maunal to launch the Denodo Community Lab. After connecting to the Virtual MachineEnvironment: when i run the following command: cd /home/denodo/denodocommunity-lab-...

Default configurations Docker Denodo VM Denodo Installation


Licence Error for Denodo Express in Docker log

Hi I managed to get the Denodo 8 Express Image and Docker running and the container dies in few mins with licencing and connection with solution manager. I have provided and mapped the licence file (Trial) as per instructed. The docker run script is ...



Denodo Docker Image Build / Container Run

Hi I am using Denodo Express 8 and I have built the Denodo image. When i exec the following: sudo docker run -d -h denodo-vdpserver \ -p 9999:9999 -p 9997:9997 -p 9996:9996 -p 9995:9995 -p 9990:9990 \ -e DENODO_USERNAME=admin -e DENODO_PASSWORD=admin...



Dockerfile for Denodo Image

Hi I have my docker file as below and followed instruction preparing the Docker build folders and files. but i got the error as below: => ERROR [builder-updater 2/2] RUN find /opt/denodo-update/ -name "denodojar" | sort | while read file; do echo...



Connect of ADLSv2 with Dendod Docker Container. Error while creating the Base View.

Hi Team, I have tried placing the core-site.xml inside the denodo docker container which is running on a Azure VM. I have established a connection between ADLSv2 container with denodo docker container. When I try to test connection the connection is ...

container Base view Docker DENODO Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2


How to connect ADLSv2 container with Denodo docker container running on a Azure VM.

How to connect ADLSv2 container with Denodo docker container running on a Azure VM.

Docker DENODO Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2


Build a custom docker image to avail denodo so that later denodo database could be accessed via Databricks

I have a problem where my requirement is to Build a custom docker image to avail denodo so that later denodo database could be accessed via Databricks . The problem is to set up everything inside docker image so that any developer is able to use denodo...

Docker Access Denodo Express databricks


Fetch database from Denodo through Airflow

I am trying to fetch databases from Denodo through Airflow.I have built a docker-compose.yml,dockerfile. I need suggestions as whats the right configuration to put in docker-compose.yaml,dockerfile an Airflow so that denodo is accessible from Airflow

Airflow Denodo Docker


"Remote license not found. The server is not registered in Solution Manager." when starting VDP server in Docker container.

Can't get past the server trying to find a license on the license/solution manager when starting a VDP server in a Docker container. I've successfully started a local installation of a VDP server getting a license from the license/solution manager and ...

container Denodo 7.0 Denodo 7 Solution Manager Docker 7 License 7.0 docker


Dockerized deployment?

It seems that there is no Denodo support for dockerized deployment, no mention of it in the documentation... is that the case?
