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Im following the Denodo QuickStart Virtual Machine Installation and Configuration user maunal to launch the Denodo Community Lab. After connecting to the Virtual MachineEnvironment: when i run the following command: cd /home/denodo/denodocommunity-lab-...
Hi I managed to get the Denodo 8 Express Image and Docker running and the container dies in few mins with licencing and connection with solution manager. I have provided and mapped the licence file (Trial) as per instructed. The docker run script is ...
Hi I am using Denodo Express 8 and I have built the Denodo image. When i exec the following: sudo docker run -d -h denodo-vdpserver \ -p 9999:9999 -p 9997:9997 -p 9996:9996 -p 9995:9995 -p 9990:9990 \ -e DENODO_USERNAME=admin -e DENODO_PASSWORD=admin...
Hi I have my docker file as below and followed instruction preparing the Docker build folders and files. but i got the error as below: => ERROR [builder-updater 2/2] RUN find /opt/denodo-update/ -name "denodojar" | sort | while read file; do echo...
Hi Team, I have tried placing the core-site.xml inside the denodo docker container which is running on a Azure VM. I have established a connection between ADLSv2 container with denodo docker container. When I try to test connection the connection is ...
container Base view Docker DENODO Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
How to connect ADLSv2 container with Denodo docker container running on a Azure VM.
I have a problem where my requirement is to Build a custom docker image to avail denodo so that later denodo database could be accessed via Databricks . The problem is to set up everything inside docker image so that any developer is able to use denodo...
I am trying to fetch databases from Denodo through Airflow.I have built a docker-compose.yml,dockerfile. I need suggestions as whats the right configuration to put in docker-compose.yaml,dockerfile an Airflow so that denodo is accessible from Airflow
Can't get past the server trying to find a license on the license/solution manager when starting a VDP server in a Docker container. I've successfully started a local installation of a VDP server getting a license from the license/solution manager and ...
container Denodo 7.0 Denodo 7 Solution Manager Docker 7 License 7.0 docker
It seems that there is no Denodo support for dockerized deployment, no mention of it in the documentation... is that the case?