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how do I pull first of current year and forward? for example, when the date is currently 1/1/24 to 12/31/24, I always want to get results from 1/1/2024 and forward.
Hi guys, I am facing the following converting issue in denodo. I have to convert the formats yyww, yyyyww, wwyy and ww/yy into the date 'dd.MM.yyyy'. Does anyone of you have an solution for this problem I am facing right now? Thanks Johannes
how do i get first of previous month? addmonth(current_date(),-1) provides exactly one month ago , but how do i set to always get 1st. for example, from 4/1-4/30, want to pull from 3/1.
Hello - what is the syntax for start and end dates of the previous quarter? For example, if the current date is a day in December, the start date should be '2022-07-01', the end date should be '2022-09-30'. If the current date is a day in January, the ...
Hello, I am trying to convert this code to Denodo MEWM_TERM_DT >= dateadd(day,-1,convert(Date, getdate(), 365)) plese assist
I have a column with values of month numbers called "month" 01 02 03 I want the results to be of months name Jan Feb Mar, How to achieve this
Hi team, I have view sourced from oracle, which contains date type column, when created this view, denodo converted the date column to "timestamp" automatically, and when tried to convert it to "localdate", the error is showing "the field has an incomp...
how to convert the below syntax from teradata to denodo sql (DATE-1 - DAYOFMONTH(DATE-1))+1 (DATE-1 - Extract(Day from DATE-1))+1
Hi. My view has a field with timestamp. Although, the field type is "text". I really only want to get a date from the field, but I don't know how. Here is an example of the text field: 2019-12-21T13:15:49.000-0600 2019-10-02T15:01:43.000-0500 I need ...
Hi. I have two views in Denodo (in different datebases). I want to join the two on date (and another ID). However, the views do not have date, they only store timestamp. I want to get just the date from the timestamp in both views and join them. Here ...