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Hi Team, Denodo 7.0 | LINUX can we use this command 'desc vql view <view name>' with export script.? https://community.denodo.c...
Is there a way to omit any server-specific parameters from the whole export of the Denodo design studio UI, such as 'com.denodo.vdb.vdbinterface.server.VDBManagerImpl.registryURL'. Additionally, we are aware that it may be excluded when exporting data ...
using below script but it is not working. is there any sample script used for linux host? sh -h -p 9443 -l admin -P pass@123 -f /platform/work/data-catalog/ -contentSearch -personalization -kerberos ...
need and advice, what should i do if the warning summary description is about roles? it didn't explained in this section about predefined roles and user
I have created a map within the VQL Shell using the CREATE MAP SIMPLE function. I can see that the map exists because I can list all maps with 'LIST MAPS SIMPLE' and I can see the details of the map with 'DESC VQL MAP SIMPLE.' However, how would anyon...
Is there a way to schedule a CSV export to AWS S3 location? Any example
Hi, We are trying to take backup of the Data Catalog metadata (Denodo 8 base version). For that we are using the export script that has been provided. In our environment we have https configured and http connections have been blocked. So, when we run...
Hello Team, Would you please Help on this. i wont to write/update data into an external table which is connected via API. and the data is availbale on a table in denodo. for exapleme: Company (Denodo views) >(write/update)> Company (external ...
I am getting An error was found: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space on using export with option Include Jar Error Screenshot
I am trying to export denodo view to ADLSv2. I am able to do the below things without any issues using Denodo Distributed File System Custom Wrapper connected to ADLSv2 container to read csv file from container created data source and base view i...
Denodo on Azure BLOB azure blobl storage CSV Export Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 azure