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DENODO connection from IBM Infosphere Datastage

We are trying to establish connectivity from within IBM infosphere datastage (V using JDBC stage. Datastage is running on AIX machine version 7.2 I have downloaded the required jar file "denodo_vdp_jdbcdriver.jar" and placed it inside direct...

DENODO DATASTAGE Denodo vdp jdbc driver


Denodo Driver with Java 7.1 version

Hi All, We are tring to connect with IBM Infosphere Datastage 11.5 v with Denodo through ODBC. IBM Infosphere supports Java 7.1 version and it cannot be update to Java 8 Can you please tell whether denodo have ODBC Drivers of Java 7.1 version to insta...

java 7.1 version ODBC Driver IBM INFOSPHERE Datasatge 11.5 v DATASTAGE