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get_view_columns StackOverflowError

Hi Denodo wizards, I am getting the below error when I run this query - select * from get_view_columns () where database_name = 'mydbname' QUERY [SELECTION] [ERROR] GET_VIEW_COLUMNS [STORED_PROCEDURE] [ERROR] GET_VIEW_COLUMNS [STORED PROCEDURE] [ERRO...

Denodo8 get_view_columns


MS Dynamics 365 Data Source Failing to Create Base Views

I have created a data source (Dendodo 8.0) to MS Dynamics 365 using the wrapper: com.denodo.connect.odata.wrapper.ODataWrapper I used the OAuth 2.0 wizard to obtain the access and refersh tokens successfully. Unfortunatley, when I try to create a b...

denodo8 base viwe MS Dynamics oauth2


Connect to Alteryx from Denodo

Hi, Has anyone explored connecting to an Alteryx datasource from Denodo? If yes, could you please share the details on how to? Many thanks.

Denodo8 alteryx


Add new columns in derived views

Hi, My data source is a mongoDB, As first step I create a collection with a sample of documents. When I add a new document with a new field, I can use "Refresh source" in the base view to have the new field appeared in Denodo, but that's not the case ...

denodo8 new columns views Source refresh Derived views


Unable to remove a VDP server from license usage

Hi, I am facing an issue where I am not able to remove Virtual Data Port server from the license usage screen. It is throwing the following error [] - Validation error: It is not pos...

License Denodo8 Solution Manger Virtual DataPort


Error executing a query due to memory restriction

I have 12 dervied views, using which I have 1 final view with 12 left joins, when I execute the final view I end getting this following error error analysing the query to decide the necessary memory restrictions based on the query limit specified:null...

NULL Memory Requirements Denodo8


Bulk Data Load API error in Denodo 8.0

I have followed the below steps to configure databricks as cache and mpp in denodo 8.0 from this link Everything is OK but querying table...

databrick Bulk Data Load Denodo8 MPP Cache


Getting the Source Tables and columns for non-JDBC datasources

Hi Denodo Team, For the views created from JDBC datasource in denodo I am able to get the source tables by using the default procedure GET_SOURCE_TABLES(). But when I use the same procedure to get the underlying source table information for the datasou...

source tables SAP CSV Denodo8 JDBC Data Sources source columns DataSource underlying tables


Bulk Data Load - Denodo8.0 DBFS

I am configured bulk data load API with databricks as cache and configured databricks cli (dbfs) in our denodo linux successful when testing Listing HDFS URI contents ... OK Creating HDFS URI temporary directory ... OK Creating table ... OK...

Bulk Data Load Denodo8 databricks API


Issue in enabling SSL for web admin tool

Hello, I am trying to enble SSL for my solution manager and went through every steps mentioned on :

Related to: Cannot trust in the server to establish the SSL connection

HTTPS Denodo8 Solution Manger