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Hello people, I have a question about the view description. Is it possible to add a clickable link into the description of a view? Or is there are another place in the view that I can add a link for an external page?
hi, for a base view i'm using query : ALTER TABLE "Table Name" DESCRIPTION = 'description_enter_by_me' but its giving me parsing error. can anyone help please
Hello, I want to create base views from Snowflake views. They are created well except for the descriptions of the numeric fields without decimals. Indeed, in the VQL I see that the description is correctly retrieved but then when it creates the base vi...
Hi Team, Is there any procedure, function to get : datasource uri, CATALOGNAME, RELATIONNAME for base views. I am looking for a scripted solution which could list down these details for base views in tabular format Thanks
Hello, I have connected JDBC connection in denodo. When i load the data and create the view automatically using lamda function in AWS. When i run the view throwing below error: BC_YZ_RATAM_SELFSERVICE_EMEA_DE [BASE] [ERROR] ABC_YZ_RATAM_SELFSERVICE_E...
#Denodo #denodotestingtool #testingtool #denodo Self-Service Base View descrptions AWS S3 Athena Source refresh #Athena #Baseview #Table_not_found #DataSource
Hi, please I have stored procedure exist at teradata source and I need to create baseview using this stored procudre , so I tried to make base view by using create from sql query and type call pocedureName() but error appears " [Teradata Database] [Ter...
Version 7.0, I have 7 systems and other 100 tables that are in Base Views. I want to update column descriptions from a Data Dictionary that is in another base view and I also have the Dictionary in a Excel file. Please tell me the steps, or point me to...
Hello team, As we know, in Denodo we can give a view level access for a role. I have a situation where I need to give access to a SINGLE view to MULTIPLE roles(around 30). The procedure is to select each role, click on edit in the database and give wh...
Denodo stored procedure database assign privilages Base View descrptions Access and Role Stored Procedure VQL Role Role and User Management Roles Users
Hi Team, Is there any feasibility to call a script pre processing and post processing while calling the Base view Calling a View Steps Pre-processing: call a pre_process script run base view post processing: call a post_process script Thanks Balu S