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Will it be possible to create a summary view on top of a derived view which has mandatory parameters ?

Hi Team, Was exploring on the Summary feature of Denodo, wanted to check few things regarding below points: Can we create a Summary on top of a Derived view, which has mandatory parameters enabled ? Can this implementation be made dynamic based on...



Incremental Refresh of Summary View

I have a senario where I want to refresh the content of Summary view incrementally. How best I can achieve this by using Denodo Scheduler or other means? In the arcticle, it is mentioned that for CACHE, you have this variable which tracks out when was ...



BLOB / Binary Data Save in Netezza Through Denodo

Dear Team, I am trying to save the BLOB data in Netezza through Summary Creation but it is giving an error that "Error Calculating the Capacity". This is just a simple query. SELECT CAST('blob', 'helloasdfasdfasdf') AS text_to_blob_cast ,CAST('text'...

summary BLOB


Summary Table Acceleration is not being Utilized

We are facing a senario where Summary Table Acceleration is not being considered as best plan for execution. We have followed the exact steps available in the Denodo Guide where we are creating a summary table on agreegated transformation. First case,...

summary optimization


Summary rewriting does not work when querying through an interface view

Hi, I'm making tests on Summary Rewrite Optimization using Denodo Express 8.0 for Windows 64 bits. I have a base view on an Oracle table (bv_dwhxn_facd). I have an interface view on this base view (iv_bv_dwhxn_facd). To keep it simple the interface ...

summary query re-write