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I have a requirement, where I need to define a column of a derived view as not nullable even if it is not a primary key. I made it at the base view level but when I checked the derived view using the stored procedure 'get_view_columns' it is showing nu...
I have 12 dervied views, using which I have 1 final view with 12 left joins, when I execute the final view I end getting this following error error analysing the query to decide the necessary memory restrictions based on the query limit specified:null...
Hello, I have exposed the data in JSON and now I want column/key which has null value in it should not appear in JSON, example: { "student": "1203", "Rollnumber": "1", "status": "deactivated", "Grade": ...
Dear All, convert(date,a.createddt,112) between b.EffectiveFrom and Cast(isnull(b.EffectiveTo,getdate()) as DATE) The above code was written in SQL Server. As I am using the Excel data is my data source. I want to convert the above syntax to DENOTO ...