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VQL Stored Procedure - Can a dynamically defined data structure be returned

Hi, Version 8 I would like to take create a VQL SP which will take a database and viewname as input and dynamically return different structure output based on a query built up on the fly in the store procedure using the data from a view you might see b...

Denodo stored procedure Version 8 Parameter


Denodo stored procedure with input parameters to execute vcs(dvcscommit) command:

When i execute below stored procedure: (view_path IN VARCHAR, commit_message IN VARCHAR) AS ( param1 VARCHAR; param2 VARCHAR; ) BEGIN EXECUTE 'connect database poc'; EXECUTE 'dvcscommit ''@param1'' LOGMESSAGE ''@param2''' PARAMETERS ( param1, param2 )...

automate git Denodo stored procedure Custom stored procedure dvcscommit Cursors Denodo 8.0 VQL Stored Procedure Error dvcs automate vcs



Hello Everyone, I'm currently exploring the capabilities of Denodo, and I'm particularly interested in the use of PL/VQL. I've checked the official documentation, but I have a few questions and would appreciate any insights or guidance you can provide...

Denodo stored procedure


Can I return join conditions and filter conditions programmatically?

For example, I can use a predefined stored procedure such as column dependencies to get a field calculation expression. Are there are any stored procedures that provide access to the join conditions and where clause conditions in the dependencies of a ...

Denodo stored procedure Filter data lineage join


Is there a way to create Stored Procedure in Denodo from SQL Server Parameterized Stored Procedure

Is there a way to create Stored Procedure in Denodo from SQL Server Parameterized Stored Procedure ?

Denodo stored procedure


How to get direct view dependencies ?

Hi We are currently using the denodo stored procedure viewdependencies() to obtain the dependencies of a view. However, our requirement is to obtain the list of views from database A, having direct dependencies in database B. By "Direct" dependencies...

Denodo stored procedure


Getting a stored procedure via VQL

Is there a way to get the stored procedure for a view / table created in Denodo via VQL? For example, I have a view called 'p_raw_data' that is created using the following procedure: CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW p_raw_data FOLDER = '/0. raw data' AS SELECT ...

VQL Denodo stored procedure


How to search for / list in Denodo columns (of a view) that make use of a certain function?

How can I search for / list in Denodo all columns (of a view) that make us of a certain function? For example, I would like to list all columns that make use of "getdaysbetween"?

Denodo stored procedure Metadata Catalog


Error while creating a project in Eclipse

Hi I'm trying to create a new project in eclipse after installing the denodo4e software successfully, but its giving me an error saying wizard cannot be started. Please help me on this as my teams development activities are getting delayed because of...

Denodo stored procedure Custom stored procedure


Create view from the predefined Denodo stored procedures

How do you create a base view from the predefined/out-of-the-box Denodo stored procedures? I do not see them listed in the element tree although I am able to return results as well as list the procedures via the VQL shell query.

Denodo stored procedure