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An error occurred while communicating with Denodo

An error occurred while communicating with Denodo Unable to connect to the server. Check that the server is running and that you have access privileges to the requested database. Error Code:06DA155A timeout expired Unable to connect to the Denodo serve...

privileges QUERY_TIMEOUT Tableau


OData connect --- works with Tableau

I can connect successfully to a SAAS app using the following end point via Tableau this only requires user name as apitoken and then the Api key as the password. Is there a ...

OData Tableau


How to Integrate Tableau with Denodo hosted in AWS

Hello team, We have Denodo hosted in AWS and we are trying to integrate Tableau with Denodo and we have a reqirement that is: different Tableau users using the same service account but accessing different databases or data based on the privileges set ...

Tableau connection Tableau


Setting user agent with Denodo connector in Tableau

The reference manuals describe the option to set the user agent for a JDBC, ODBC and JMS connection. It also states that "The user agent is not configurable for other types of clients". The native Denodo connector for Tableau does not have an option ...

Tableau user agent


SSO from Tableau Server to Denodo

It has been stated before and known that Tableau to Denodo SSO works with Tableau Desktop, via Kerberos, but not with Tableau Server. Unfortunately many of our users access Denodo through tableau server (url) and have to sign in a second time to get to...

Tableau SSO


How to connect Denodo with SSL certificate in Tableau?

Hi, Can any one provide me the steps to coonnect tableau with Denodo if SSL is enabled in Denodo server. I am also trying to connect by tableau but unable to get the option to attache public SSL certificate.

Connecting Tabealu on Denodo ODBC Tableau ODBC DENODO Driver Tableau SSL


Tableau Server Version: 2019.2.2 can't connect to Denodo V7 using SSL

Hi, We can't seem to figure out what is causing Tableau Server to be unable to connect to Denodo V7 when the latter is in SSL. Anybody got a similar issue?

Related to: How to connect to Denodo from Tableau Desktop

ODBC Tableau DENODO Tableau SSL pass-through


Connecting to Tableau, Connection Guide no longer exists

Hi, I am trying to setup a connection to denodo within my tableau v 10.5 . Seems like the documentation on how to do this is gone.

DENODO Tableau


How to connect the tableau 10.3 to denodo

Hi Team, I am using 10.3 tableau and denodo platform 7, for this how can we connect to tableau to denodo can any one please explain the procedure for estblishing connection between this two Thanks,

DENODO Tableau


How to create a parameterized derived view? Or Is there any way to access a subset of the data(base view) instead of accessing entire table(base view)?

I would like to create a derived view (one master base view will join with 3 code lookup base views). It has 5 millions records by Year (2002-2016). When I try to access this view from third party tool like Tableau, it is cripplingly slow and it timed ...

Parameterize slow query Parameter derived view Tableau