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I've seen commands to update configuration parameters. Is it possible to change the "filename" and "filePattern" parameter within "RollingFile" for QUERIESOUT using VQL ? Or has this to be done by editing log4j2.xml directly?
I installed Denodo on linux cli (not headless), have pointed java home to a 1.8 JRE. Have setup licence and started Can see these processes running: userhere 8130 1 0 15:25 ? 00:01:04 /home/bfs/userhere/applications/tools/jre1.8....
Linux Virtual DataPort v6.0 Denodo server starting trouble. Virtual DataPort
Error of starting Virtual DataPort Information Self Service Tool and Scheduler Administration Tool: Stopped, server ports could not be retrieved. I am using Denodo Express (6.0). I am able to start Virtual DataPort Server and Scheduler Server.