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update values in log4j2.xml using virtual dataport VQL

I've seen commands to update configuration parameters. Is it possible to change the "filename" and "filePattern" parameter within "RollingFile" for QUERIESOUT using VQL ? Or has this to be done by editing log4j2.xml directly?

Virtual DataPort v6.0 log4j2.xml


Denodo on linux 64bit cli (without headless GUI) - how to use web ui?

I installed Denodo on linux cli (not headless), have pointed java home to a 1.8 JRE. Have setup licence and started Can see these processes running: userhere 8130 1 0 15:25 ? 00:01:04 /home/bfs/userhere/applications/tools/jre1.8....

Linux Virtual DataPort v6.0 Denodo server starting trouble. Virtual DataPort


Server ports could not be retrieved

Error of starting Virtual DataPort Information Self Service Tool and Scheduler Administration Tool: Stopped, server ports could not be retrieved. I am using Denodo Express (6.0). I am able to start Virtual DataPort Server and Scheduler Server.

Virtual DataPort v6.0