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Function 'jsonpath' with arity 2 not found

I am trying to execute the following query in VQL Shell: select * from my_table t where jsonpath(t.json_data, '$.property')='value'; But I get the following issue: Finished with error: Error in select view conditions: Function 'jsonpath' not create...



Integrating Denodo with ArcGIS Online via GeoJSON

Hello, i'm trying to develop a koop provider to be able to consume denodo data from ArcGIS. I opted for the Koop Sample app template to install it . I followed the Denodo "Integrating Denodo with ArcGIS Online via GeoJSON" tutorial thoroughly to set up...

geojson arcgis koop JSON


Convert a JSON file held in an Oracle Blob to a register

Hi We have JSON files stored in an Oracle DB as BLOBs. We would like to convert the JSON files into a column of type 'Register'. We have ingested the BLOBS into Denodo and converted them into 'text' type columns. We now want to convert the text into a ...

Register JSON Oracle


HTTP Client given date in request

Hi! I need to query HTTP/JSON datasource with parameters like this: /values?Name=Foobar&Start=2024-01-16&End=2024-01-17 (the previous and the current days) so I create a Base view with relative URL like this: /values?Name=Foobar&Start=@...

JSON HTTP client Date time function


Creating JSON output

Hi, I have some usecases that require delivery of data objects (nested hierarchical objects such as JSON) via REST service. I've worked with flatenning JSON data sources, but never tried building JSON output from other flat views. Could you point me to...



Parsing JSON file

Hi there, I face the following challenge when trying to create a base view from a JSON file. The content of the file is as follow: {"key1":"xxxx","key2":"xxxxx","key3":"xxxxx","key4":"xxxxx"} {"key1":"xxxxx","key2":"xxxxx","key3":"xxxxx","key4":"xxxx...

JSON Data Source Json


Passing a list of same objects and passing a list of different objects in a select query view.

I would like to pass the following data into denodo view. Json1 = {'name': 'Kelly', 'code': 'KL'} Json2 = {'name': 'John', 'code': 'JH'} payload = [Json1, Json2] I am expecting two of Jsons to query the view. I tried putting payload into my denodo ...



generate JSON-files from Denodo?

Is it possible to generate json-files directly from Denodo, like it is possible with XML. Or, alternativly, is it possible to ingest json (provided by a Denodo created REST webservice) into a remote table (Snowflake table with VARIANT data type for ex...



Unable to use row_number() function when JSON as Data source

Hi,I am using JSON as data source. I would like to use row_number() function in my view. Getting data source from API in JSON format. Base view is created from the root JSON array. I have used flattern view to remove the top JSON array. From the fla...

row_number() JSON JSON Datasource


Dendo Design Studio's problem with Neo4J

Hello Team, I'm using Denodo 8 via Web Design Studio. I created the Neo4j datasource via HTTP configuration with post method, also making use of a Json file. I inserted the fields via the following source query: {"statements": [ \{ "statement": "MATCH ...

flatten Array Neo4j JSON FLATTEN Derived views JSON Datasource WEB design Studio