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Can Denodo Express Be Hosted in a Cloud Enivroment

Hi there, I am curious if I can use a BYOL deployment in GCP and use an express license. We are at the end of our free trial (professional) and are only using Denodo as a development data source for a client implementation (where they are using Denodo...

Denodo Express 8


denodo 8 express install error

I installed Denodo 8 express in C drive. Than I uninstalled it. Now, when I am reinstalling it, I am getting error in exectuion: xcopy error many of the xxxxx.bat files are not found at installation location error when update is installed. ...

Denodo Express 8


cannot connect to virtual dataport server

Hello, I have just installed the express denodo platform 8.0 and cannot connect to virtual dataport server. I have tried several solutions given on this forum including modifying firewall restrictions checking if the port 9999 is already in use a...

Connection Denodo Express 8 Virtual DataPort


changer le type d'une colonne sur denodo

bonjour, après avoir connecté denodo à une base de données ou un fichier, je voudrais savoir comment l'on modifi le type d'une colonne ( par exemple changé le type objet en type int). merci

Denodo Express 8


difficulté de connexion à mysql

Bonjour j'ai des difficulté pour me connecté à mysql via denodo. après les diffrents étapes configuration, lorsque je teste la connexion j'ai le message d'ereur suivant : " Unable to establish connection: Access denied for user 'sakila_user'@'localhost...

Denodo Express 8


Machine requirements for Denodo Express

I will load Denodo 8 Express on a Windows machine but I don't see required resources anywhere: RAM, CPU? Obviously more is better, but just to try it with minimal data, what do I need? Thanks Judith Judith Ullman Business Intelligence Team Lead The N...

Memory Requirements CPU Requirements Denodo Express 8


Unable to download DENODO EXPRESS 8.0

Hi, I am trying to download DENODO EXPRESS 8 64-bit for Windows and somehow download is breaking in between though there is no fluctuate in my internet connectivity. Another problem is that a download won't resume in download manager. I think when co...

Denodo Express 8


Error Creating the Base View

I tried testing Json data source from SAP using HTTP method 'GET', but it responded below error message when creating base view Unable to obtain the data structure: com.denodo.util.exceptions.InternalErrorException: Error retrieving data from 'http://&...

Create base view denodo express 8 Vitural data port 8


SAML Identity Provider (IdP)

Is it possible that denodo express 8.0 trial version can configure a authentication against an external SAML Identity Provider (IdP) ? I would like to download metadata xml and upload to my SAP cloud product.

Idp Denodo Express 8