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how to automate data catalog sync with VDP

I want to automate data catalog sync with VDP as we have to do it manually everytime we make changes in the design studio .For this we also tired to do it in solution manager but still we are not able to see the changes . We also tried to create rest A...

Data Catalog sync to VDP Data Catalog


Data Catalog partial/selected synchronization

We are using the current Denodo 8 update release - Data Catalog version 8. Is there a way to sync only selected VDP virtual schemas or Denodo databases? For example, it would seem there would be no need to expose the 'admin', 'itpilot', etc. to the D...

Data Catalog sync to VDP


Error message of curl command for Data catalog sync to VDP

Hi Team, We are using curl command for Data catalog sync with VDP in our script for some part of automation purpose. Sometimes when we run the curl command below, it will have '500' StatusCode and errors messages returned, can you please help to see wh...

Data Catalog sync to VDP curl error msg