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denodo express usage policy

Hi, I want to use the denodo express. However, I need to check if I can install it on my company's computer. I think it doesn't matter because it's a free version, but is there any documentation that can confirm that there are no problems with the in...

Access Denodo Express


Download Denodo Express

i need the linke to Download Denodo Express , because this link not working well

Denodo Express Access Denodo Express


'Denodo Virtual DataPort Administration Tool' displays a message that the admin account is incorrect when running for the first time

'Denodo Virtual DataPort Administration Tool' displays a message that the admin account is incorrect when running for the first time : authentication error: The username or password is incorect The account used is 'admin/admin' Server : //localhost:...

Access Denodo Express admin Failed Logins Virtual Data Administration


denodo web studio page not found

i use denodo express for training yesterday after doing my labs when i try to launch the denodo design sudio from denodo platform control center its not opening the messge is "page not found 404 The page may not longer exist, or you may have typed the ...

design studio Denodo Express Access Denodo Express Denodo Design Studio


How to connect local sql server 2019 db and oracle sql db 11g to denodo express?

Hello, How to connect local sql server 2019 db and oracle sql db 11g to denodo express? Not sure what exactly needs to be put for connecting the db with denodo. Please help. Thanks.

Access Denodo Express DENODO connection How to connect the Denodo Server to the Microsoft SQL Server Oracle 11g


How to connect using JDBC driver in Python?

###Connection using JDBC import jaydebeapi hostname = 'server name' port = '####' driver = 'com.denodo.vdp.jdbc.Driver' user = '####' password = '#####' path = '/C:/Users/abc/Desktop/Projects/denodo-vdp-jdbcdriver.jar' url = 'jdbc:vdb://'+hostname+':'+...

Access Denodo #Denodo Access Denodo Express Python


Aggregate query for a denodo view with bind variable

Hi - I have a Interface denodo view with 10 columns and storeid as bind variable. When i tried to run a query with aggregate function, it returns syntax error. Also I need to run the query without passing any value to the bind variable column, select...

Access Denodo Express


Build a custom docker image to avail denodo so that later denodo database could be accessed via Databricks

I have a problem where my requirement is to Build a custom docker image to avail denodo so that later denodo database could be accessed via Databricks . The problem is to set up everything inside docker image so that any developer is able to use denodo...

Docker Access Denodo Express databricks


Excellent tutorial. Need help with filters resolvers

Thanks for tutorial. I got great Idea. Can you help me How your Query resolver? You explained filters. But I have JSON data . I need to execute this Query on JSON Data.

Related to: GraphQL in Action - Advanced Query Capabilities

Help Access Denodo Express GraphQL Denodo Query Exceqution Plan


Bring rules of the tables to base views

we have implemented security on tables in sql server ...we are using denodo 7.0.when we import the tables to create the base view do they bring them all or do we need to recreate them all again in denodo ? the denodo security doc dont have any comments...

Access Denodo Express DENODO