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I've a pagination where I need to give the last id to have more than limit. limit int32 Limit for the number of organization members returned in the result list. ==> OK cursor string The ID of the organization member used as the reference for pagi...

pagination limit miro


Problem with pagination for JSON HTTP datasource

I have a JSON HTTP datasource that returns data that looks like this: { "pagination": { "pageNumber": "3", "pageSize": "100", "totalAvailable": "251" }, "datasources": { "datasource": [ {"name": ...

Pagination JSON Data Source


API connection working but cannot paginate using a cursor key reference in the JSON response

I have a working API call that returns the first set of data without error (up to first 5000 records). However, when I try to set up pagination using a value in the end of the results it spins indefinitely. The token to use is called "cursor" at th...

Pagination API


Pagination issue which retrieving data from API

We are connecting to API via a GATEWAY where our request is passed though based on the URI. Example 1) We have a API 2) We need to call the API via a gateway, So Denodo will call

REST API Pagination Denodo Pagination


Support for custom pagination scheme

We have a third party REST API that we plan to connect from Denodo. The API supports pagination in the following way: The request header specifies start and end index. Request Header: Range: items=1-200 The response header specifies the current posit...



Joins with Paginated Data

If we have a schenario where results from two paginated APIs are to be JOINED. e.g. We have 1 million customers, and an API that returns 100 at a time. And another API that reutrn All Customer Orders, again 100 at a time, with no guarantee about what p...

Pagination join


Get all JSON results from restful webservice

I have the following URL that is return JSON format for one of my views: http://mycompany:9090/denodo-restfulws/hcc_dv/views/mytestview/?$format=JSON However, it only returns the first 25 rows. I have tried every conceivable varitation to get all 150 ...

pagination json REST Webservice


Pagination Issue

Here is the format of data : { "name": "mytable", "elements": [ { "name": Den, "number": null, "date": "2020-06-12", "designation": null }, ...........1000 rows exist ] "links": [ { "rel": "next", "title": "Next interval", "href": "?$start_index=...



Want API as paginated

Hello, Below is the Scenario, Please suggest I have extrenal API that gives me limit of 1000 records at a time. The data that I receive contains link for next page(a half link ex:) Full link is like : https:/ n...

Pagination #API #Rest_API


Iterate Api

Hello, I have 12 number of pages with my API with limit of 1000 and offset of 1000. Now If I obtain a single page of data it consists of 1000 rows of data and I cannot increase the limit to even 2000 becuase of source that provides only 1k data at a ...

Pagination #API #Rest_API