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Retrieving Lineage of views

Hi Denodo team, I want to retrieve lineage of a view and its columns through query. Like if give a view name to query it should fetch its relative views.In similar way for its columns.Please help me with this.

JDBC query data lineage #Data Lineage Lineage


How to get denodo data lineage through view_dependencies()

Hi all, We are trying to recreate denodo data lineage in one of our vizualization system. If I am querying the VIEW DEPENDENCIES It is giving data in a cluttered format which is very tough to recreate the lineage. Let's say I am querying dependencies...

#Data Lineage


How to view the Underlying Table or the CSV file Names using data lineage capability of Denodo Catalog

How to view the Underlying Table or the CSV file Names using data lineage capability of Denodo Catalog. While browing we were able to view the underlying views and the data sources but cannot drill down further to know the underlying table or CSV files...

#Data Lineage