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dynamic parameters value in where condition

Hi team, Does denodo has the function to suport dynamic paramters input in where condition, e.g. where (case when parameter_flag = 'A' then date_column = baseview.date_col_a when parameter_flag = 'B' then date_column = baseview.date_col_b else '190001...

parameter dynamic WHERE


dynamics southbound connection to the denodo

Hi Team, Let us know how can we connect dynamics to denodo using jdbc drivers



Executing Stored VQL via Scheduler

Hello, We want to develop a query builder for our business users where they can create queries interactively on denodo base views as per their requirements. They can also choose a frequency (e.g. Hourly, daily) for which query should execute automatica...

Dynamic Sche


dynamically create derived views based on list of multiple base views

Is there a way to take a list of specifc base views (based on say a certain prefix and create a derived view with a similar name (dv versus bv, etc.) I have a list of like twenty base views and looking for way to generate the derived views automatical...

VQL Dynamic Derived views Loops


Dynamic column names generated from a pivot

Is there a way in Denodo to do a pivot where you generate the column names from a column's distinct values. The only example I could find for Denodo used static values you already knew. I am assuming if there is, it is going to have to be custom VQL q...

Dynamic Pivot


Dynamic Query in JSON

Hi team, How to create a dynamic query for the specific field or multiple fields? Because, I think Dynamic query helps to filter the data in runtime and gets to filter the huge data and provide the result much faster than the usual one. So I need to ...

Dynamic JSON JSON Data Source Dynamic Datasources JSON Datasource


Dynamic Path for Custom S3 Wrapper

I have a backup file that is time stamped like this each day: GDW_08-30-2021.csv The current path to reference this file in the custom wrapper via AWS S3... looks like this: /gdw_backup/GDW_08-30-2021.csv is there a way to embed a caclulated value ...

Formula Dynamic CSV AWS S3 Distributed File System Custom Wrapper


Dynamic Base View based on another Base view (not JOIN)

Hi, I need help with a very specific use case. I have 2 different data sources and I need to create a base view from source A filtered by some values from another base view coming from source B. This values in the second view would be a hole column, ...

Dynamic Interpolation Variables Create Base View join


Denodo Inserts with dynamic values

Is it possible to insert records in denodo base views with the below query insert into base_view1 (col1,col2) select col1,col2 from base_view2; With the current doc I concur we can only insert hard coded values like below insert into base_view1 (col...

Dynamic Insert Operation


Executing Dynamic VQL generated from view output

Hi, We have a list of report views that are cached for which we need to generate the report which shows the count or records for all those views. There is a view we have which could give the names of these views that we have to get the counts on. Is ...
