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Connect to Denodo Express 8.0 from a SAS client

I have Denodo Express 8.0 installed on a Linux VM in Azure. Please can you advise if it is possible to connect to Denodo Express 8.0 from a SAS client?

SAS Denodo Express 8.0


formatting date to ddMMMyyyy which is equivalent to date9

Good day I have a datetime format represented as 07DEC2005:00:00:00.000000 please note this is a date not character. I now want to convert to 'ddMMMyyyy' but still to be in a date format not as text or character. i have tried this sql code formatdate...



Using Denodo Views in SAS Enterprise Guide

Denodo platform 6.0 Good morning, I'm wondering if there's any documentation around best practices when querying Denodo views from a BI tool, specificallySAS Enterprise Guide. The main use case we're wondering about is joining a SAS data set to a Den...

SAS QueryOptimization


How to import MULTIPLE SAS7BDAT files into Dendo?

I would like to import SAS7BDAT files into Denodo. I have received a SAS WRAPPER from Denodo. By using this wrapper, I am able to import the SAS file into Denodo but the problem is I can import ONLY ONE FILE at a time. I would like to import MULTIPLE f...

Wrapper SAS import Mulitple Files


How can I import the SAS7BDAT file into Denodo with Metadata?

I would like to import the SAS7BDAT file to Denodo with Metadata. How can I do that? The metadata will go in the "Column Description".

SAS import Metadata