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I have Denodo Express 8.0 installed on a Linux VM in Azure. Please can you advise if it is possible to connect to Denodo Express 8.0 from a SAS client?
Good day I have a datetime format represented as 07DEC2005:00:00:00.000000 please note this is a date not character. I now want to convert to 'ddMMMyyyy' but still to be in a date format not as text or character. i have tried this sql code formatdate...
Denodo platform 6.0 Good morning, I'm wondering if there's any documentation around best practices when querying Denodo views from a BI tool, specificallySAS Enterprise Guide. The main use case we're wondering about is joining a SAS data set to a Den...
I would like to import SAS7BDAT files into Denodo. I have received a SAS WRAPPER from Denodo. By using this wrapper, I am able to import the SAS file into Denodo but the problem is I can import ONLY ONE FILE at a time. I would like to import MULTIPLE f...
I would like to import the SAS7BDAT file to Denodo with Metadata. How can I do that? The metadata will go in the "Column Description".