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I am using Denodo Express 8. I am not able to connect to Postgresql data source in "Denodo Training Quickstart Virtual Machine". I did the VM configuration and Denodo Express installation and was not able to connect to any source with below error comi...
Denodo Express - latest version Oracle VM Virtual Box 7.0 - Denodo Training QuickStart Virtual Machine.ova I have everything configured according to the Training Video for setting up the Virtual Machine but when I try to ping my data server - it times ...
During the Developer Training I am experiencing issue with testing the connection to the data source. I have tried to reinstall all the invironment and used different IP addresses from the Virtual Machine, but it didn't help. Do you have any idea, what...
I downloaded the DQVM. I am at a Linux prompt. The link to the associated manual says I do not have rights to download it. (I submitted a ticket for that issue.) I was able to find a manual for the DQVM for version 5.5. It says that once I log in that ...
Hi, I followed the steps from "installation and Configuration Guide" (Denodo Training QuickStart Virtual Machine) But in section "Launching DQVM", When I click START green arrow, I got this message: VT-x is not available (VERR_VMX_NO_VMX). Code d'err...
VirtualBox Denodo Training QuickStart Virtual Machine OVA Virtual Machine
I have taken up Data Virtualization Developer (Introduction) - On-demand training. As I part of configuration task I am trying to install the virtual machine but I am not able to. Once the zip folder is downloaded from the link provided I try to unzip...