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Data Type conversion in filter condition

Hi , one of the base view is having date column but with type as text . To query the view based on the date column , i would like to covert the column to date data type before applying filter condition , i tried with the below syntax which is very cl...



Can I return join conditions and filter conditions programmatically?

For example, I can use a predefined stored procedure such as column dependencies to get a field calculation expression. Are there are any stored procedures that provide access to the join conditions and where clause conditions in the dependencies of a ...

Denodo stored procedure Filter data lineage join


View model parameters in web service call

I created a view with a parameter, "param_Value". In the where clause I'm filtering on key table value "in" param_Value. My web service vql looks like the following CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "iv_ViewName1" FOLDER = '/folders/3 - integrated views' PRIMAR...

Filter API


How to pass comma delimited value to webservice

My view query looks like Select val1, val2, val3 from iv_view where val1 in (input_Val). I am passing input_Val from query string in web service call. If I pass a single value I get a single result but if I pass multple values I don't get any results...

Filter API


API filtering with array of values in POST body

Hello team, I am currently having an issue with the following case : I have an endpoint on my Denodo REST API on which I am trying to make a POST query with multiple parameters on the body which can be arrays of values (multi criteria search endpoint)...

#Rest API Filter


Filtering Left Outer Joins with Automatic Simplification of Queries enabled causing execution plan to be complex

My development team is seeing strange behaviour with Denodo execution plans when using left outer joins and filters. We have a query that has multiple left joins to get data from a lookup table. When we execute the query, it takes approximately 20 se...

Filter left join Query Simplification


Passing Parameters

I have created a view for a Oracle Stored procedure which returns a oracle refcursor as output. The Oracle stored procedure has some input parmeters. Oracle stored procedure parameters are optional meaning if we pass a parameter it filters else it retu...



REST Service query - select newest date row

We are using Denodo 6.0 on Windows 10 Desktop. We have a question about querying REST web service to narrow down multiple rows to a single row based on a date column. What would be the syntax in the query? In the following example, we'd like to get the...

Filter Denodo Testing Tool REST Webservice


Error when using LIKE operator: URLDecoder: Illegal hex characters in escape (%) pattern

Hello, I am running into an issue when using the LIKE operator on my webservice. In order to make the like more effective, I have added a percent sign before and after the text I want to search on. This way I can bring back results that have my text a...

REST search Like Filter encoding URL Web Service