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I am currently facing a challenge in Denodo related to the conversion of a Teradata column named "Amount" with a data type of Text. The goal is to convert this column to Decimal to do sum operations. Additionally, I want to handle cases where the colum...
I've seen this question asked a couple of times but last answered in 2017. Is there now a way to aggregate (e.g. sum) data via the restful web service? E.g. '...$groupby=category&$select=category,sumValue&$format=json'
is there an easy way to set a filter to only keep the max value for a field based on two other columns? is greating a group by view with the max first and joining that to the baseview the only way to accomplish this? There are two fields that make th...
Not sure if this question belongs in this section, but I would like to know how Denodo handles aggregate awareness. Does Denodo have the ability to be configured logically to pull from a single fact table, but physically have multiple tables at differe...
Related to: Data Virtualization and ETL
I am trying to consume Rest API from denodo and finding some issues. View has multiple fields like userid, username, managerid, amount. When I am calling service like this /servicepath/view/viewname?managerid=xxxx&$select=userid,username,managerid...
Hi, Does Denodo allow passing aggregates operations over an API? I have a REST API and the user needs to select only 3 columns from that API, group by 2 columns and calculate aggregate(sum operation) over the third column. I am able to select three co...
Denodo 6.0, latest update as of 4/10/2017: Are we able to specify how NULLs are treated in aggregate and windowing functions? I wasn't able to find any information about specifying the handling of NULLs in aggregrate and windowing functions. In parti...
I've made a View in Denodo VDP which is a UNION of two other "SELECT" views. Now I want to pivot some of the data in this new view; I use following query; ELECT primitivumnummer AS primitivumnummer, CASE WHEN ( hasname = 'txtNap' ) T...
I am fairly new to Denodo and I have read through the Advanced VQL and VDP Administration Guide but I am not able to resolve the following issue: Sample Base View For the sake of this issue, let's consider a base with student, months and rank. ...
Does anyone recognize this pattern in Denodo? And preferably a way to prevent it? Base View (or any view) is selected by a Derived View which is aggregating data. And a filter is given to the Aggregate on one of the columns. Denodo is creating a la...