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Unable to create jdbc data source in denodo design studio

Hi Team, Denodo installation is done in aws,am trying to create JDBC data source in denodo design studio in local machine ,am using mysql database as a source ,i have added mysql connector version 8 driver (.jar) in denodo home(denodo/lib/extensions/j...

JDBC Data Sources Denodo Design Studio


Getting the Source Tables and columns for non-JDBC datasources

Hi Denodo Team, For the views created from JDBC datasource in denodo I am able to get the source tables by using the default procedure GET_SOURCE_TABLES(). But when I use the same procedure to get the underlying source table information for the datasou...

source tables SAP CSV Denodo8 JDBC Data Sources source columns DataSource underlying tables


Connect to Oracle database with JDBC

I am new to the VDP and having an issue connecting an Oracle database. I have no issues connecting via ODBC in my other environment using the following credentials: TNS Service Name: ABC123.COMPANY.COM with my user ID and password defined (driver is 1...

Oracle 12c JDBC Data Sources


Cannot Connect to training Oracle database

I am following along the developer basic traing. But got stuck while connecting to oracle data-server. The error i'm getting is: Unable to establish connection: IOError: The network adapter could not establish connection. The database URI: ...

JDBC Data Sources training Oracle 11g


Slf4j dependency conflict changing to "Insufficient resources to execute operation" when trying to connect Dremio as a JDBC datasource

Hi, I'm currently running Denodo Platform v7.0 on Windows. I'm attempting to connect Dremio as a JDBC datasource and running into errors when testing the connection. I have added the Dremio JDBC driver .jar file to a new directory in the {DENODO HOME...

JDBC JDBC Data Sources


Copying ntlmauth.dll to DENODO_HOME/jre/bin

Hi, I would like to add my experience with Denodo 5.5 in Windows 2012 64 bit. I had to copy ntlmauth.dll to %DENODO_HOME%/jre/bin and restart the server instead of %SYSTEMROOT%/system32. The latter wouldn't work and raised a "SSO Failed: Native SS...

Related to: Accessing MS SQL Server using Windows Authentication

NTLM JDBC Data Sources SQL Server SSO


Why not no sql as well?

Neo4j has deprecated their rest api and has a jdbc driver that denodo can connect to. Why not let us create views from cypher queries? I'd rather have no validation than no functionality.

Related to: Using the Create Base View From Query Option

NEO4J / JDBC / Connection JDBC Data Sources nosql


DAOVDBProxy executeDeferred error

We are trying to connect to Denodo from a JDBC client but are getting the below error - com.denodo.vdb.jdbcdriver.dao.DAOVDBProxy.execueDeferred( We verified that the jar files are the same on both client and server. Can you pl...

JDBC Data Sources


Making an API call to a external data set

I want to read data from the US Census Bureau public data set files. The data is available (for free) via an API call to their site. I would like to use Denodo to access that data via the API. How do I do this? Example Call:

API users JDBC Data Sources


Unable to see tables VDP when connecting to a SQL Server

I'm currently able to connect to SQL server databases in my environement using the JDBC connector, when I want to create base views I expand the data source where it's only displaying SQL security roles and not any orther objects like tables and views ...

base view JDBC Data Sources SQL Server