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I am trying to create JSON datasoure using DEN70EDUD1201LAB01 data but when i am trying to run start.bat file I am getting the below. Error : WARN::FAILED SelectChannelConnector@ Address already in use: bind. How ...
Hi there, I face the following challenge when trying to create a base view from a JSON file. The content of the file is as follow: {"key1":"xxxx","key2":"xxxxx","key3":"xxxxx","key4":"xxxxx"} {"key1":"xxxxx","key2":"xxxxx","key3":"xxxxx","key4":"xxxx...
I want to make a JSON Data Source from this URL: This URL supports filtering by adding query strings to the end of the URL. These simple query string filters are optional. Here are 2 such examples? https://...
Hello, I am trying to create a new JSON Data Source of the following URL: I am using Admit Tool of 8.0 20210209 and VDP Server of 8.0 20210715 If you put that URL in the browser, you will see something lik...
I have a JSON HTTP datasource that returns data that looks like this: { "pagination": { "pageNumber": "3", "pageSize": "100", "totalAvailable": "251" }, "datasources": { "datasource": [ {"name": ...
Is there a way to create a Data Source for accessing the output (JSON format) of a web application via application provided RESTful API (e.g.
I have created a data source that pulls in a zip file with a JSON file inside it and I am strugging to parse it with a custom tupple pattern. No matter what tuple root I use Denodo fails to display it -- it just blanks out and no error message provided...
Hello all, I currently have the problem that a json file cannot be read correctly into Denodo. No data is displayed here, see image 1. With other Json files this works perfectly. I used tuple root as "TUPLEROOT = /JSONFile/JSONArray". Attached is the...
Hello, I'm trying to create a JSONDatasource from this sample: [ { "Header": { "publishedDateTime": "20211110150141", "messageId": null, "messageType": null, }, "Investment": { ...
Hi team, How to create a dynamic query for the specific field or multiple fields? Because, I think Dynamic query helps to filter the data in runtime and gets to filter the huge data and provide the result much faster than the usual one. So I need to ...
Dynamic JSON JSON Data Source Dynamic Datasources JSON Datasource